Tuesday, January 18, 2011

newsy update--an excerpt from an email to the grandparents!

My classes have been going great so far! I love JBU and I am so thankful that I am back there! I am taking a physical science course, which is my least favorite subject, but my professor seems to be a great guy and since its basically bone-head science (everyone has to take it) he is really good about explaining things and using visuals to help us understand what in the world he is talking about! My philosophy professor is really young, in his early 30s I think, and he is hilarious! He always has some smart-alec little remark to make, which cracks the whole class up every time! On the first day of class, he called roll and asked what everyone's favorite type of music is. One guy said he like bluegrass and told us that he played the banjo, so yesterday the prof let him bring his banjo to class and he played for us...it was a cool way to start class off! I learned one of the songs he played in choir back in middle school and I was tempted to break out into song, but couldn't bring myself to do it in front of everyone haha. I have had three of my professors before in the English department and it has been really great to reconnect with the whole department. I have a class with Jessa, Jimmy's fiance, too, which is fun! Its crazy to me that so many people that I know are getting married (Hannah, Jimmy, and lots more) and some are already married (like Bryn)! I am just not ready, and I am so OK with that! (Thank goodness! haha)

I just got back from chapel, where we got to listen to Dr. Franklin Graham preach. It was awesome! His voice totally reminded me of you, Grandpa! And what he said reminded me of you, too! He mostly talked about the need for all of us Christian to spread the Gospel of Jesus wherever we go. As an example, he used his ministry in Haiti. He said that when they were down there in a hospital (acutally, they still are) they would pray with every patient and give everyone a Bible. When he was asked by an American news reporter why they did this, even if it might offend someone, he replied that if they weren't spreading the gospel, there was absolutely no point in helping people, because they really wouldn't be helping them at all in the eternal scheme of things. That got me to thinking about our culture...a lot of people do good things for the sake of doing good things, because its the right thing to do, ya know? But it all will come to nothing if they don't share the Good News, too! I had never really thought of doing good things for that sake, and it really struck me as important. I'm excited to see how God's plan for my part in helping people find Him plays out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly!
    I loved your post! It must have been so amazing to hear Franklin Graham speak. And what you said in your post about the value of doing good made me smile, because I just wrote about that in my blog, too. It's called "Madison Buffalo Jump" (yah, I know it sounds unrelated! ~ ha!)
    I'm so thankful you're loving Jesus and loving JBU and loving life! Listen to Jesus.
    In His Hands,
