Monday, November 22, 2010


It started snowing today!
I think I'm the only person in the whole city of Stuttgart who's excited!
But man, I felt like a little kid when I saw those little white flakes flurring down from the gray sky!
I'll admit it, I screamed,
The girls and guys I work with grumbled.
But then, this is my first big winter I think I've ever had!
And possibly ever will have, but who knows the future?
I just realized that there is no hint of snow in this picture. 
But this is the base where I work.
So, ya know, just image you can see the snow.
Cause I promise you, it really did (is!)
Not me!

I have the day off tomorrow and I'm getting excited!
Carolyn and I are going to do some Christmas shopping and we're going to get the rest of the ingredients we need for our Thanksgiving feast we're cooking on Saturday.
Because we're both working on Thursday.
Double Pay.
Oh Yeah!

I'm in charge of sweet potato fluff, green bean casserole, creamy dreamy apple pie (compliments of PW's lovely pie week recipes!) , and pumpkin pie. I'm also going to make a relish tray, because it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving to me without the pickles, olives, and (hopefully!?!) okra before the meal! Yummy! Carolyn is making the turkey, stuffing, gravy, and homemade cranberry relish that is apparently the stuff turkeys dream of! And she's in charge of the drinkage...I heard a rumor that champagne will be on our menu! Bryn (but really Nate!) is making mashed potatoes and rolls. Our friends Brandon and Crystall are coming over, too! I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Molly, it's fun to hear of your dancing-in-the-snow delight! Happy Thanksgiving, SweetPea!
    Love, Auntie
